Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Discipleship Aids

I have found these short videos to be extremely helpful in explaining the life of discipleship.  As we talked about yesterday at Eastern Conference, there is a qualitative difference between membership and discipleship. We are called to make disciples not members.  I have used these in small groups, with church council and wherever else I can insert them.  They are simple yet profound.  My favorite is this one.


  1. The videos are excellent and help us give some language to the call to make disciples.

  2. We are told that membership has it's privilege. So much of what transpires as church is to hold and defend our privilege. We spend a fair amount of time as pastors dealing with membership privilege. And sometimes clergy privilege if we are honest.

    In going from a mission field to being a missionary, membership is only first base. Second base is Bible study, third base is discipleship, fourth base is evangelism. Somehow most of us get thrown out somewhere between first and second base.
